Keeping Your Business Safe Online: The MarketCentral Way

What's the News:
In today’s day and age, online safety is a much-discussed topic. Newspapers cover online security breaches and privacy pitfalls on a daily basis. This causes business owners to wonder: is it even possible for business information to be safe online?
The answer is YES. With some tips and tricks, and a little bit of caution, you can do online business 100% safely.
Basic Safety Measures
- Always choose a strong password for your business. This password should have a mix of numbers, alphabets, and special characters such as !, %, $ etc. Don’t use your username, date of birth, or easily identifiable information for your password.
- Make sure to change your passwords regularly.
- Be careful of what you click on or download. Don't click on any unusual looking email links or ads that promise large amounts of money or benefits. Don’t download any apps or software that you are unfamiliar with, or which look suspicious.
- Don't store your credit/debit card information on your browser.
- Look for secure websites. You can know a website is secure if it has https:// in the URL instead of http:/, along with a lock symbol next to it.
How MarketCentral keeps its businesses safe:
MarketCentral has a multi-pronged method to keep our clients and businesses safe.
- SSL certification: Our website, as well as websites created on MarketCentral, are given free SSL certificates. With an SSL certificate, you can keep your website secure from attacks, verify that you are the owner of the website, prevent someone from creating a copy of your website, and keep your website trustworthy.
- Multi-factor authentication: Our businesses are asked to login with their username and password, as well as a verification OTP provided to them via Google Authenticator. In this way, we make sure that only the business owner can access their account.
- Sectigo certificate: MarketCentral uses the Sectigo SSL certificate to make online transactions secure on its platform. This means that purchases made over MarketCentral is protected with the strongest algorithms available.
- https:// encrypting: All MarketCentral website subdomains are https://. This is so that your customers know that your website is secure and can be trusted!
This means that when you choose MarketCentral for your online business, you can be assured that your data is secure, your customers’ transactions are safe, and your online business is trustworthy-- just like your offline business!
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